Wednesday 18 April 2012

how much does a person know you?

Honestly, how do you even measure? Sometimes we get angry for certain actions that we think others did. but what if, they didn't do it? or what if they did it for a reason that is understandable and you would do the same in that situation too. It's easy to say do not judge others. but here's the question: how do you then self-protect if you don't see the person as who they are? well, I don't agree with judging people either and i agree with protecting your heart from people who are not doing you good. what do you do then? my solution: 1. it's better to do what you can and make the best out of the situation. rather being called the "bad person" than feeling guilty right? it's "tagged as bad person" v.s. "lifetime guilt" no definite answer to this solution. but doesn't it makes you wonder?

Thursday 29 March 2012


i always have a lot to say in my mind, but it never comes out at the right time of my mind. hence the empty blog. hmmm. i wish there's such a thing as mind blog so that when i think, my thoughts are automatically typed into blog. #notgonnahappenfor2012. oh well.

p.s. I GOT MY AMERICAN DREAM. i'll tell you about it soon blogspot ;) soon when i'm done with my assignments. #keephoping

Saturday 3 March 2012

USA or not to USA

okay, so not here's the plan. I have got a "vision" that I'll be going to USA. This is no ordinary vision because I was given signs before I even signed up for the programme. I've been praying to God asking what should I be doing this summer and then the signs were that I got rejected by UK placements. Clearly, I wasn't wanted to stay in UK. okay, now you may say this might be just a normal rejection. but next, I prayed about my plans again and the next day I saw this brochure that was in my class room right behind me and there was only one. That brochure was the one that I wanted to the apply to for work and travel America. now, this may also be a coincidence. Moving on, my friend prompt me to apply for it and suddenly showed full support. I even got one friend to join me.

This may all seem like normal everyday happenings, but to me, it happened so distinctly. God show me Your way and Your plan in this and help me to get through it. I still haven't got a job, but i know by Your Grace, I will be following Your plans. If USA is Your plans for me, help me get a job soon and work my way through smoothly with this programme. *PRAYS*

Sunday 5 February 2012

time to buck up

got an "knock" from my friend saying that i still have ten more weeks of sunday to my finals. GOSH, this is NOT good. not prepared and still messing around with my sleeping hours and schedule. gotta start self motivation mode and starrrdy =/ student's life eh. BUCK UP ME! you can DO IT! ;)

Wednesday 1 February 2012

explaining my talkative side

when i talk really actively, it doesnt mean i'm a noisy/nosy person neither does it meant i try to stand out. sometimes, it's just that i want to get to know you better and i'm trying to minimize the awkwardness :)

Wednesday 28 December 2011


Since when did i stop become spontaneous and start moving in schedule properly? growing up phase i'm assuming. not that it's all bad news and stuff. it's good to know what to do next. :) just that i miss being spontaneous sometimes.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

my poor eyes

i have this tendency to sleep at a certain time frame no matter how tired i am. i think it's because i always thought that i can do so much before i head to bed and i dont wanna waste my time lying down when i can get things done. workaholic? nah. there's just a lot of things going in my head. you know, the brain, it's complicated. (HAH nerd joke. LOLSS)

anyway, i'm extra lame when i'm tired. so obviously i'm lame. i mean tired. yea, i really should head to bed now. goodnight world. :)